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May 29, 20222 min read
Part 91 See & Avoid Rules
Currently, within the helicopter community, there is much discussion of inadvertent or unintended flight into instrument meteorological...
May 29, 20221 min read
I get asked this question all the time:
If you could give one piece of advice to a new helicopter pilot, what would it be? I think it’s most important to maintain a very healthy...
May 29, 20223 min read
When it comes to mentoring and the incredible impact it has on safety in our industry, I feel fortunate to have benefitted, early on in...

May 29, 20227 min read
How to avoid IIMC, not what to do if it happens
I’ve been a helicopter pilot for over 50 years and I find it interesting that during this time the helicopter community has never settled...

May 25, 20225 min read
For years I’ve noticed a real lack of understanding of heliport markings and operational procedures on private, commercial and even...

May 24, 20225 min read
The story behind the Vuichard Recovery
In July 2011, I was teaching one of Robinson’s foreign Safety Courses in Neuchâtel, Switzerland, a charming little town on the banks of...

May 12, 20202 min read
The “T” Bar Cyclic Design
Since purchasing the very first R22 that was sold (serial number 003 in October 1979), the most often asked question of me has been about...

May 11, 20207 min read
Belt Failures
Will an R22 or R44 fly with one drive belt missing? Through the years Robinson has had several issues relating to drive belts, especially...

May 10, 202016 min read
“Goooooood Morning, Vietnam!”
This is the opening line from the, at times, hilarious 1987 Robin Williams movie of the same name which goes on to say it’s “time to rock...

May 9, 20209 min read
Robinson Tail Rotor Design and History
When Frank Robinson designed the tail rotor system for, initially, the R22 then subsequently the R44 and R66, he borrowed from some of...

May 8, 20206 min read
Unlocking the Mysteries of Robinson’s Derated Engines
One of the most misunderstood aspects of the R22 and R44 continues to be the “why” and “how” the engines are derated. Since the very...
May 7, 20202 min read
Hot Engine" Starting Technique for a Raven II
Many pilots have reported problems trying to start The R44 Raven II when the engine is hot. For example, attempting a start after a...

May 6, 20206 min read
IGE/OGE Hover Performance
Many pilots attending the Safety Course at Robinson have asked questions regarding correct use of the hover performance charts in the...

May 5, 202014 min read
After clearing customs and immigration I exited the airport terminal into the tropical Panama City humidity. It hit me that my role as a...

May 4, 20204 min read
Want to be a Production Test Pilot?
Ever wonder what the job of a helicopter manufacturer’s production test pilot is like or what the helicopter goes through to get its...

May 3, 20205 min read
“Tired Metal” and its Effect on Components
“Tired metal” or using its more correct name “metal fatigue” is something I don’t think pilots have a good understanding of, in fact, I’m...

May 2, 202011 min read
What is a type certificate?
An FAA Type Certificate is issued to signify an aircraft is manufactured according to an approved design, and that the design ensures...

May 1, 20201 min read
Turbine Engine Reliability: Fact or Fiction?
I wrote the following article in 2003 for Rotor & Wing magazine. It created quite a bit of controversy, both pro and con, when published...
Apr 30, 20206 min read
The Story Behind Special FAR 73
The story behind Special FAR 73 begins with a July, 21 1994 letter, in the form of a Safety Recommendation from Jim Hall, Chairman of the...
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